Database Role Exclusions

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Database Role Exclusions

The Database Role Exclusions allow a Site Administration user to prevent certain user types from accessing the professional side of the BusPlanner Web. The exclusions are per database so users may have access to the current year’s data while denying access to next year’s data.

Database Role Excludes Menu

Administrating BusPlanner Web 10 - 2 Public & Professional_img44

Database - The database the user will be restricted from accessing. It is limited to the existing database on BusPlanner Web.

Role - This is the user role which is restricted from accessing a database. It is based on a predefined set of roles in BusPlanner Web.

Number of New Records - The Number of New types which can be added at once when the Add button is selected.

Note: If a user has more than one role, and one of those roles has permission to see the database, they will be able to access the database.